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Biographie :
Edouard Morcellet is a composer of film and contemporary music.
Currently, he is studying film music at the CNSMD of Lyon as part of the InMICS program. In 2022, he earned his Master's degree in "MAAAV" film music at the University Lumière Lyon 2.
In 2017, he won the "Best Film Music" award at the 48h Kinoks student film festival.
Additionally, he also writes for the Metal band The JESTERS, which he founded and where he performs as a singer and guitarist.
Edouard has composed for numerous short films, video games, animated films, and even graphic novels. Thanks to the diversity and originality of his background, his music carries a wide range of influences.

Video Game
- John Williams
- Joe Hisaishi
- Alexandre Desplat
- Danny Elfman
- Hans Zimmer
- John Powell
- Mathieu Lamboley
- Bruno Coulais
- Shiro Sagisu
- Junichi Masuda
- Bernard Hermann
- Hiroyuki Sawano
- Justin Hurwitz
- Lin-Manuel Miranda
- J
- The Legend of Zelda : Breath of the Wild
- Horizon : Zero Dawn
- Pokémon version Emerald
- The Last Of Us
- Doom
- Astrobot
- Ghost of Tsushima
- Metroid
- Spiderman
- Super Smash Bros
- Resident Evil
- The Witcher 3
- Dragon Quest XI
- Princess Mononoke
- Hereditary
- Interstellar
- 2001: Space Odyssey
- La La Land
- Shutter Island
- Akira
- Blade Runner
- Enemy
- Alien
- Pan's Labyrinth
- Requiem For A Dream
- Mr. Nobody
Ancre 2
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